Well, after looking at the old top and doing some research, I've decided to rebuild the top of the Model T using new wood. I found plans for doing that on the Internet from a fellow in California that has done it. He included measurements for all the wood pieces. I emailed him with some questions and he responded with some suggestions. Thanks, Bob !!!! We're going to Farmington tomorrow for Galena's appointment with the chiropractor, so I'll see if I can find some oak to use at Home Depot or Lowe's.
Here're a couple of pictures of the old top ...
It looks like this week is shaping up to be pretty busy. Galena's off work Thursday, Friday and Monday, and we've already got Thursday, Saturday, and Monday filled up with errands, etc. Also, we're going to Karen and Ronney's Sunday afternoon, and I need to take the bike to Farmington for the 1000 mile service. I'm not sure how we will fit all that in !!!
Back in Austria and Back to School
11 months ago
More good pictures that make the woodwork of the top look fair. If I remember correctly the fore and aft ribs are just wood lath and the top cover was made from an irrigation dam which was just a catch whatever at the time.
ReplyDeleteWe had a couple of very cold nights that was 19 degrees at Garden City that was a record low for them. We are sure needing a good soaking rain.
Love to both of you from Dad and Lois.